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Different Types of Oil: Identifying the Type of Oil and How They Shape Spill Response Solutions

types of harmful oils how professionals clean up

Do you know the different types of oil and how professionals respond when a spill happens? If not, then this blog is for you. In this blog, you will learn and discover the different types of oil and how a professional and reliable spill cleanup company in Plainfield creates or shapes spill response solutions when accidents and spills happen.

Different Types of Oil and How Professionals Respond When Spill Happens

Here are some of the types of oil and how experts shape spill response when a spill happens.

  1. Gasoline
    The first type of oil is gasoline. Gasoline is categorized as Class A oil which means it is more harmful than other types of oil. This is because if gasoline spills, it spreads quickly and is the most toxic. It is the most toxic and difficult-to-clean-up type of oil because of its strong odor and it is flammable. When Class A oil spills into the environment, expect that wildlife will be in danger, especially if they ingest, inhale, and absorb any amount of the oil.

  2. Diesel
    Diesel is the second type of oil. Diesel is moderately volatile and contains concentrations of toxic compounds. If diesel spills, it evaporates moderately, and some residue from up to one-third of the spill amount will remain after a few days. Its spill effect will be long-term contamination of intertidal resources. When diesel spills, immediate and effective cleanup is a must.

  3. Vegetable Oil
    The next type of oil is vegetable oil. You might be surprised that this type of oil is included on the list, as people use it in the kitchen. But vegetable oil is dangerous when spilled in marine environments. Containment and recovery are the required oil spill remediation in Plainfield, IL if vegetable oil spills in a marine environment. Marine organisms can be affected as they may be smothered, suffocated, and starved when a spill happens.

  4. Crude Oil
    The fourth type of oil is crude oil. Crude oil is categorized as Class C oil, which means it is a type of oil that is heavy and highly sticky. Though this type of oil will not spread quickly into the soil because of its heavy properties, they are still dangerous for the environment because it can stick to animals and smother them. This type of oil can also lead to contamination and is very costly to clean up.

  5. Fuel Oil
    The last type of oil in this blog is fuel oil. Fuel oil has the characteristic of having little to no evaporation or dissolution. That is why when it spills it will have severe impacts on intertidal areas, sediments, waterfowl, and fur-bearing mammals. When it comes to cleaning up this type of oil, expect that it is very difficult to clean especially if spilled on a shoreline.

Responding to Any Kind of Oil Spill

To clean up or respond to any spills of these oils, the first thing that professionals have to do is wear their PPE to avoid harmful contact with their bodies. After that, they will have to remove any equipment that can be damaged by the oils because failing to do so will only add to the cost of the clean-up. Then they will strive to contain the oil spill to stop any further exposure or spread.

In Conclusion

These are some of the types of oil spill remediation in Plainfield, IL that professionals need to accomplish to contain spills. If you are looking for a contractor to help and assist you contain and cleaning up a spill if it happens, do not hesitate to call GreenTech Spill Response at (630) 392-6844.

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