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Oil Drilling Waste: The Underlying Damage Behind the Success of the Oil Production Industry

rig producing oil drilling waste

Behind the success of the oil production industry, people, animals, plants, and the environment have to suffer the consequences of the said success. Things like oil spills that can destroy Mother Earth and kill animals, plants, people, and other living organisms happen. Without the help of top-notch and reliable hydraulic oil spill clean-up, you will have to carry the burden of the negative consequences of oil production.

All About Drilling Waste

Here are some of the important things you need to know about drilling waste.

Waste Minimization in Drilling Operations

One of the essential things you need to know about drilling waste is the minimization of waste in drilling operations. When you say waste minimization, it is part of the concept of “Waste Management Hierarchy”, which sets out a preferred sequence of waste management options. Some of the options are source reduction, recycling, treatment, and disposal.

How are Drilling Wastes Produced?

The next crucial thing you need to know about drilling waste is “how are they produced?” In the process of drilling, a mixture of oil, gas, and formation water is pumped to the surface. They separate the water from the oil and gas into tanks or pits and call it “produced water”. After the oil and gas in the formation are removed, much of what is pumped on the surface will be called “formation water.”.

Uranium and thorium are not soluble in water, their radioactive decay products, such as radium, may dissolve in brine. This will then remain in solution or settle out to form sludge that accumulates in tanks and pits. They may also form mineral scales inside pipes and drilling equipment.

What are the Acceptable Disposal Methods?

Another critical factor you need to know about drilling waste is the acceptable disposal methods to prevent a dangerous spill from happening, and you won’t have to ask for the help and assistance of an expert and experienced hazardous spill cleanup in Plainfield. Do these acceptable disposal methods, and rest assured that you will protect yourself, your loved ones, the animals, plants, and the environment from hazardous oil spills.

  • For On-lease Land
    • Land-spreading
    • Residual solids disposal (RSD)
  • For Off-lease Land
    • Land spraying disposal after completion of drilling
    • Land-spraying while drilling (LWD)
  • Land Treatment
  • For Alternatives
    • Disposal at waste processing facility
    • Roadbed incorporation
    • Encapsulation is the process of adding a polymer film to drilling fluid to coat drill cuttings and wellbore walls to create a barrier.
    • Solids washing

Take note and remember that if you see any form of improper drilling waste disposal, never hesitate to report this to the appropriate authorities to avoid any form of unavoidable damage and for your protection.


Preventing dangerous oil spills from happening to avoid asking for the help of professional and reliable hazardous spill cleanup in Plainfield is important, especially since you do not want to see anything or anyone in danger. But if the spill has already occurred and you have no choice but to ask for help, do not hesitate to seek GreenTech Spill Response. Call us today at 630-392-6844.

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